Veleposlaništvo ZDA tudi v 2019 nadaljuje s financiranjem dobro zasnovanih majhnih projektov slovenskih NVO z namenom krepitve civilne družbe in naslavljanja skrbi združbe. Rok za prijave: 15. marec 2019.

Razpis pokriva teme od demokracije in človekovih pravic, varnosti in zunanjih politik, gospodarskega razvoja do stabilnosti regije Jugovzhodne Evrope. Prednostne teme letošnjega razpisa so:

For this grant period, consideration will be given to project proposals focusing on the following themes:

  • Countering Corruption, Good Governance, Strengthening Rule of Law, and Transparency
  • Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Economic Reform, and Promotion of Trade
  • Environmental Protection
  • Energy Security and Diversification
  • International Security, Counter-terrorism, and Defense Issues
  • Human Rights (to include those of the LGBT Community, those with Disabilities, and Minority Populations, as well as Women’s Empowerment)
  • Youth Engagement, Volunteerism, and Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Responsible and Independent Media
  • Regional Cooperation and Integration of the countries of SE Europe into Trans-Atlantic institutions
  • Integration of Refugees and Migrants, Respect for Diversity, and Multiculturalism

Predvsem so zainteresirani za projekte, ki vključujejo elemente iz ZDA in spodbujajo krepitev bilateralnega odnosa med ZDA in Slovenijo.

Vrednost izbranih projektov je običajno med 3.000 in 10.000 $. Prednost imajo novi prijavitelji.

Več o razpisu na spletni strani Veleposlaništva ZDA v Sloveniji.

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